Friday, June 15, 2012

Fort Wayne Here We Come and What I Know For Sure (This Week)

There's been a shift in the past week.  A shift to something better.  

We are shifting into summer.  

Last year I was overwhelmed with nerves about how to entertain four children on those long, hot days.  But this year is different.  It has been an intense school year.  Between kids' activities, short selling our house stress coupled with moving in and moving out stress and a bunch of other was intense.  This year, summer with four kids seems like a relief.

No more car loop.  No more hurried mornings.  No more forgotten homework assignments.  No more racing and rushing.

I'm ready for the shift. Ready for lazy mornings, afternoons at the pool and not worrying about bed times so much.

I look forward to hanging out with my kids and having fun together.  And being intentional about, well, everything.  Instead of getting lost in all the details of crazy schedules, homework and not being late; I want to focus on making things special.  Making memories.  Holding onto and creating new traditions.  Making it a big deal.

It doesn't have to be fancy, it just has to be important.
Like our very important Summer Plans List we do every year.  It involves a Sharpie, a poster board and some brainstorming. Simple, but yet it's a very major deal/tradition in our house.

There is no idea too big or too small.
Do you like JT's flannel Christmas pjs?

It's our reference list when we get bored.  It's our wish list, too.  I'm not sure if we are going to make it to the von Trapp's inn in Vermont, or if it even still exists, but I love that we wish we could.  

It's also pretty revealing and funny.  Lucy really wants to go to Indiana.  Who wants to go to Indiana?  We don't know anybody in Indiana. But Indiana is close, that just might be a wish I can grant.  Fort Wayne here we come.

Shifting into summer.  Shifting into making some memories.  
I'm ready, that I know for sure.

Here are a few other things I know for sure (this week):

Not very many people watched my first Vlog ever. Waaa. Watch it.  um, please. 

This is a very cool song and a bad ass video full of DANCING.  "Only one desire that's left in me, I want the whole damn world to come dance with me." Sigh, those lyrics from Edward Sharpe & The Magnetic Zeros song "Man on Fire."

You should vote in this poll on Patch. What car should I drive? Click here to check it out.

I know that if I could've gotten a sitter I would've seen this movie tonight-Rock of Ages.  Cheesy? Maybe.  But I don't care.  A musical with awesome actors and 80s hairband music? I'm in.  Well at least whenever I can get a sitter.


  1. I love your blog! You know, I think that blotchy chest thingy comes from the Smith side of the family... or were you lucky enough to get it from both sides? Wishing Tim - Happy Father's day!

    1. Thank you!!! I got the splotchy stuff from the Smiths I do believe. I got the manic depressive tendencies from the good old other side. :) Hope you are doing well and having a good summer.
