Monday, September 3, 2012

Good-bye Summer

As I reflect back on and say good-bye to this summer, all I can say was f*#&ing great.  Sure, it wasn't perfect (i.e. no air conditioning in the minivan, no exotic beach trips, never enough alone time, potty training), but overall it really was good.

Here's a brief recap:

Things about summer that I will miss:
Neighborhood kids riding their bikes over for unscheduled play dates.  

More pool time.

Road trips and adventures.
And so much more...

Things I will not miss about summer:
Overtired two-year-olds trying to keep up with the big kids all day.

A trashed house 24/7. 

Yes, the kids have driven me crazy at times.  Yes, JT's broken arm was sad and awful and all kinds of unfair to my sweet, overly active boy.  Yes, no air conditioning on our road trip was a cruel, unfunny joke.  BUT despite the un-perfectness, despite the unfairness, despite the ridiculousness, it was indeed a wonderful summer.  A summer full of meaningful, memorable, special moments.  A summer to remember.  A summer to treasure.

Good-bye summer.

1 comment:

  1. Your video makes me miss summer already! :) Good luck tomorrow morning...I look forward to the back to school post!
