Today, I had a moment of greatness. It was fleeting most definitely, but it was a great f*#*ing moment.
Wade's first day of speech preschool was this morning. Baby Wade was very excited to have his own school as all the big kids went back to school last week.

I pulled the mini van into the very familiar parking lot. You see, my other son JT spent two and a half years in various speech classes in the same building. I know it well.
I got to the door and found no one. "Shit, I got the day wrong," I said under my breath. (The one perk of a speech delayed child is he/she doesn't repeat any bad words, there's always a bright side.) There would be nothing shocking about me getting the day, time or any other important detail wrong. I am not the most together, organized mama/person.
But today was different, that moment was different. For starters, I was early. Since having my fourth child, I have never been early to anything, ever. AND today, I was THE mom. The mom that was calm and KNEW stuff. The other moms walked into the hallway (late, but I'm not judging) and they looked frazzled and worried, dare I say confused. The teacher came out to greet us and knew me by first name, giving me an "oh hey you" nod and smile. The other moms had questions and after the teacher left with the kids, they asked me, THE mom for answers. And shock of all shockers....I had real, genuine answers.
It was my moment and it felt damn good.
I dreamed of this day. When my oldest went to kindergarten I was that frazzled, confused mother at drop off. I felt like everyone had their shit together except me. I felt like I was ruining my kid's life because I forgot to remind him when his shoebox book holder was due. I remember one day running back into the school toddler in tow holding a baby in one arm and a half-ass decorated shoebox in the other arm. I was a mess. But I wasn't alone. There was a hallway of messy moms all going nuts over those stupid shoe boxes and their kids. That was nice to know I wasn't alone. But what was even better was Abby's mom. She walked down the hallway, no she sauntered, with a calmness that I truly envied. She carried a Starbucks coffee in one hand and nothing in the other hand. Who was this Abby's mom and how could I be more like her?
"This your first?" she asked me with a non-judgy smile.
I nodded. She explained that Abby was her youngest, she'd been through this before. "It gets easier, you'll relax," she told me.
It was her moment. For five years I've been waiting to have a moment. A moment where I knew some answers. A moment where I cold saunter and tell people "this ain't my first rodeo" type stories.
This morning was my moment. It lasted for 10 glorious minutes.
Don't worry, I am not becoming some arrogant I've-got-all-the-answers mommy blogger.
The rest of my day humbled me greatly---from taking all four rowdy, yet lovable children to the pediatrician or the being told "you're a meanie, I don't like you anymore" repeatedly by my overtired new first grader--I have no answers.
Do you have a moment? Leave a comment and brag about it, for real. Do it!
Still waiting? No worries, it will come.
In the meantime, watch some movies. Enter this Mommy Bear Media gift certificate giveaway. You could win $100 gift certificate to use to enjoy so many movies. Details below:
Wade's first day of speech preschool was this morning. Baby Wade was very excited to have his own school as all the big kids went back to school last week.
Let's face it, this kid needs to go get some schooling. |

I pulled the mini van into the very familiar parking lot. You see, my other son JT spent two and a half years in various speech classes in the same building. I know it well.
I got to the door and found no one. "Shit, I got the day wrong," I said under my breath. (The one perk of a speech delayed child is he/she doesn't repeat any bad words, there's always a bright side.) There would be nothing shocking about me getting the day, time or any other important detail wrong. I am not the most together, organized mama/person.
But today was different, that moment was different. For starters, I was early. Since having my fourth child, I have never been early to anything, ever. AND today, I was THE mom. The mom that was calm and KNEW stuff. The other moms walked into the hallway (late, but I'm not judging) and they looked frazzled and worried, dare I say confused. The teacher came out to greet us and knew me by first name, giving me an "oh hey you" nod and smile. The other moms had questions and after the teacher left with the kids, they asked me, THE mom for answers. And shock of all shockers....I had real, genuine answers.
It was my moment and it felt damn good.
I dreamed of this day. When my oldest went to kindergarten I was that frazzled, confused mother at drop off. I felt like everyone had their shit together except me. I felt like I was ruining my kid's life because I forgot to remind him when his shoebox book holder was due. I remember one day running back into the school toddler in tow holding a baby in one arm and a half-ass decorated shoebox in the other arm. I was a mess. But I wasn't alone. There was a hallway of messy moms all going nuts over those stupid shoe boxes and their kids. That was nice to know I wasn't alone. But what was even better was Abby's mom. She walked down the hallway, no she sauntered, with a calmness that I truly envied. She carried a Starbucks coffee in one hand and nothing in the other hand. Who was this Abby's mom and how could I be more like her?
"This your first?" she asked me with a non-judgy smile.
I nodded. She explained that Abby was her youngest, she'd been through this before. "It gets easier, you'll relax," she told me.
It was her moment. For five years I've been waiting to have a moment. A moment where I knew some answers. A moment where I cold saunter and tell people "this ain't my first rodeo" type stories.
This morning was my moment. It lasted for 10 glorious minutes.
Don't worry, I am not becoming some arrogant I've-got-all-the-answers mommy blogger.
The rest of my day humbled me greatly---from taking all four rowdy, yet lovable children to the pediatrician or the being told "you're a meanie, I don't like you anymore" repeatedly by my overtired new first grader--I have no answers.
Do you have a moment? Leave a comment and brag about it, for real. Do it!
Still waiting? No worries, it will come.
In the meantime, watch some movies. Enter this Mommy Bear Media gift certificate giveaway. You could win $100 gift certificate to use to enjoy so many movies. Details below:
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I am having those moments more often now that mine are teens. And being homeschoolers for 5 years now, I often give new homeschool moms advice. And my kid with special needs is almost 18, I have tons to share with newbies :)