A couple weeks into summer and it's been all kinds of wonderful. It's been sunny, lazy, playful, busy, fun and free. And wild.
Most of our time is spent on our front porch that I can't stop talking about. And it is the space that I'm once again featuring in a Pinterest Poser Challenge. I decided to make our porch more of a reflection of our playful, fun and free style. So, I decorated. I decorated with what I had in my house--paper, ribbon, kids' artwork, plywood, spray paint and of course, of course, ModPodge. I probably never would've done this pre-Pinterest just because you know, Pinterest is great like that. All ideas and inspiration and MacGyver-like crafting or maybe it's more like the mice in Cinderella when they make her dress. Whatever, it's inspiring. And ya'll, I'm no poser so here's how it went down.
My kids bring home a lot of papers from school, especially at the end of the year. School has been out a couple weeks and I think I finally just got through it all. I think. They bring home a lot of crap and a lot of stuff they worked really hard on and sometimes they bring home some really cool artwork. Artwork that doesn't belong in a pile. Artwork that should be displayed. Artwork that symbolizes everything playful, fun and free and wild about childhood. Artwork that helps tell our story.
This is JT's interpretation of a monster, a wild thing, from Maurice Sedak's Where the Wild Things Are.
I love it so much. It's incredibly appropriate coming from my wildest wild thing. It must not, it cannot, get lost in one of my infamous countertop piles that I eventually put in a cabinet or a drawer only to be seen again months later when the cabinet or drawer is unable to be opened.
So I decorated the porch with this wild thing. What better place to put this wild thing portrait than where my own little wild things, my own little monsters, have been gathering for every meal, every game, every family meeting and even story times this summer, THE front porch. THE place for a good wild rumpus to start. THE place to feel happy and safe, a place where the kids know they are loved best of all.
First I found some plywood and asked my fabulous Pinterest Poser assistant, aka my husband, to cut the wood. I had just enough spray paint for the border.
After the paint dried, I used a hefty coat of ModPodge all over the picture and on the cut plywood.
We screwed in some old screws in the back, twisted some wire around and hung the masterpiece. Aaaaahhhhh! Rumpus time.
From the moment people step onto our porch, they know what they are getting themselves into--a fun, playful,busy, happy, free kind of family. A group of little monsters ready for a wild rumpus--not a poser in the bunch.
I also ModPodge-framed a beautiful work of art by Lucy and hung that on our porch too. The kids are so proud that their artwork is displayed for us, but also anyone that walks by our front porch.
And hey, what about the flag banner I made from paper?
For over a year, I've coveted people's flag banners on Pinterest, Tumblr, Etsy and everywhere else. Here are a couple I love:

I don't know why I haven't ordered one, but I know why I haven't sewed one, um because I'm no poser and I just don't sew, yet. So last week, when JT's fever prohibited us from going anywhere but our porch, I got busy. I pulled together the supplies I had in the craft cabinet and came up with this. Scrapbook paper cut in large triangles, paper hole punched holes and ribbon threw each hole holding the banner together. It took approximately eight minutes and done. Whimsical. Fun.
It's not a long-term kind of decoration however. It's the perfect banner for a party or if you don't mind the edges curling up a bit after a few days. Especially on hot, muggy summer afternoons.
Please share whatever you're working on in the comments here or over on Facebook. Come on over and follow my Pinterest boards.
Here are some of the projects I've already attempted, the good and the bad:
Door turned into Table- click here
Seven Layer Dip in Individual Cups (my favorite so far!)-click here
The pumpkin address-click here
The Kitchen Dancing Sign--click here
Most of our time is spent on our front porch that I can't stop talking about. And it is the space that I'm once again featuring in a Pinterest Poser Challenge. I decided to make our porch more of a reflection of our playful, fun and free style. So, I decorated. I decorated with what I had in my house--paper, ribbon, kids' artwork, plywood, spray paint and of course, of course, ModPodge. I probably never would've done this pre-Pinterest just because you know, Pinterest is great like that. All ideas and inspiration and MacGyver-like crafting or maybe it's more like the mice in Cinderella when they make her dress. Whatever, it's inspiring. And ya'll, I'm no poser so here's how it went down.
My kids bring home a lot of papers from school, especially at the end of the year. School has been out a couple weeks and I think I finally just got through it all. I think. They bring home a lot of crap and a lot of stuff they worked really hard on and sometimes they bring home some really cool artwork. Artwork that doesn't belong in a pile. Artwork that should be displayed. Artwork that symbolizes everything playful, fun and free and wild about childhood. Artwork that helps tell our story.
This is JT's interpretation of a monster, a wild thing, from Maurice Sedak's Where the Wild Things Are.
I love it so much. It's incredibly appropriate coming from my wildest wild thing. It must not, it cannot, get lost in one of my infamous countertop piles that I eventually put in a cabinet or a drawer only to be seen again months later when the cabinet or drawer is unable to be opened.
So I decorated the porch with this wild thing. What better place to put this wild thing portrait than where my own little wild things, my own little monsters, have been gathering for every meal, every game, every family meeting and even story times this summer, THE front porch. THE place for a good wild rumpus to start. THE place to feel happy and safe, a place where the kids know they are loved best of all.
First I found some plywood and asked my fabulous Pinterest Poser assistant, aka my husband, to cut the wood. I had just enough spray paint for the border.
After the paint dried, I used a hefty coat of ModPodge all over the picture and on the cut plywood.
From the moment people step onto our porch, they know what they are getting themselves into--a fun, playful,busy, happy, free kind of family. A group of little monsters ready for a wild rumpus--not a poser in the bunch.
I also ModPodge-framed a beautiful work of art by Lucy and hung that on our porch too. The kids are so proud that their artwork is displayed for us, but also anyone that walks by our front porch.
And hey, what about the flag banner I made from paper?
For over a year, I've coveted people's flag banners on Pinterest, Tumblr, Etsy and everywhere else. Here are a couple I love:

I don't know why I haven't ordered one, but I know why I haven't sewed one, um because I'm no poser and I just don't sew, yet. So last week, when JT's fever prohibited us from going anywhere but our porch, I got busy. I pulled together the supplies I had in the craft cabinet and came up with this. Scrapbook paper cut in large triangles, paper hole punched holes and ribbon threw each hole holding the banner together. It took approximately eight minutes and done. Whimsical. Fun.
It's not a long-term kind of decoration however. It's the perfect banner for a party or if you don't mind the edges curling up a bit after a few days. Especially on hot, muggy summer afternoons.
Have you made something from Pinterest lately? Had any great successes? Or advice? Or warning about a project that's a total waste of time? Do tell.
Please share whatever you're working on in the comments here or over on Facebook. Come on over and follow my Pinterest boards.
Here are some of the projects I've already attempted, the good and the bad:
Door turned into Table- click here
Summer Wish List Chalkboard-click here
Peanut Butter Nutella Cookie Sandwiches-click here
Painted Mason Jar Vases-click here
Cinco de Mayo Paper Flowers- click here
Earth Day Cupcakes- Click here
Nail Art-click here
Homemade Photo Booth Fun- click here
Fake Bangs- click here
DIY Subway Art- click here
Furniture Painting and Bench/Chest Makeover- click here
Thanksgiving-y Project/Gratitude/Holiday Countdown- click here
The Smoothie-click here
The Smoothie-click here
The Free Printable Turned Artwork in a Boring Hallway- click here
The chalk board-click hereSeven Layer Dip in Individual Cups (my favorite so far!)-click here
The pumpkin address-click here
The Kitchen Dancing Sign--click here
Come play with me on Instagram @jumpingwithmyfingerscrossed.
Oh yeah, and come follow me on Twitter @AngelaYBlood and subscribe to my MomPulse YouTube channel here.
I LOVE that. It perfectly suits you!!