Ready for a couple Pinterest Poser Challenge* projects in one post? Here you go:
Wade and I spent the day crafting. So. much. fun. |
In an attempt at not being a Pinterest Poser,* every week I detail a new Pinterest challenge whether it be a new recipe or a craft.
**My definition of a Pinterest Poser is someone who is all pins and no substance.**
Glitter Falling Leaves Garland
I love glitter. I admit it. I mean what's wrong with glitter? Sure it is hard to get out of anything. But I kind of love that about it. I mean it can make your carpet sparkly (why is that bad?). It can make you laugh when you see a speck of it on your husband's forehead three weeks after using glitter in a craft project at home (when he wasn't even there). Not everyone sees the humor or gets the whole glitter appreciation. That's cool, we don't all have to agree on everything.
If you happen to be one of those glitter-loving fools than this project might be right up your alley. You might also like it because it only cost me around $3.
After getting the idea on Pinterest from this site, I headed over to the dollar store and bought glue, glitter and a packet of fake leaves (all for $1 each).
Wade was more than happy to help. Actually he did all the hard gluey, glittery parts.
I poured glue onto a paper plate. He dipped a leaf in the glue, then sprinkled it with gold glitter and let it dry.
I found some yarn and glued the leaves to it and hung it.
This project was simple, fun and I am surprised how much I love the way it turned out. It is great for Halloween or even to dress up a Thanksgiving display.
The Gratitude Dinner
When I was a kid my dad took us to a fancy restaurant where we could draw on the paper tablecloth. We used to have so much fun. Then as a grown up my now husband and I used to go to a restaurant like that when we were dating. But who says you have to go to a restaurant for that kind of fun? And who says you can't tie a little life lesson into it? Pinterest that's who (and this site). And now me, because I am no poser.
Last night at dinner I laid out a piece of plain brown paper I got for $1 at my favorite dollar store. I also sat out a bunch of Sharpies.
After we all sat down, I informed the family that while we ate we could draw and write what we are grateful for right now.
We had fun with it and each shared what we wrote.
Tim got fancy and drew pictures. |
I love how Lucy is thankful for her brothers "sometimes" and how she is grateful for herself! |
Quick, simple, fun, cheap and meaningful.
Have you made something from Pinterest lately? Had any great successes? Or advice? Or warning about a project that's a total waste of time? Do tell.
Please share whatever you're working on in the comments here or over on Facebook.
Speaking of Pinterest, do you follow The Fake Pinterest on Twitter? It pokes fun at all us Pinterest lovers and it's pretty funny. Here are a couple tweets:
You should follow them, and me, follow me on Twitter (@AngelaYBlood).
Come on over and follow my Pinterest boards too.
Here are some of the projects I've already attempted, the good and the bad:
Birthday Shirt- click here
Gluten Free Pop Tarts- click here
Front Porch Kid Art Display- click here
Door turned into Table- click here
Peanut Butter Nutella Cookie Sandwiches-click here
Furniture Painting and Bench/Chest Makeover- click here
Oh yeah, and come follow me on Twitter @AngelaYBlood and subscribe to my MomPulse YouTube channel here.