Thursday, February 13, 2014

Vlogging Again-Valentine's Day

I haven't vlogged in a while and I miss it.   Because you know, I have a lot to say.  
YouTube and Google made a few changes to YouTube and I kind of struggle with change. But I'm back!  And I hope to start vlogging once a week.

This week is all about love and Valentine's Day. So, I linked up with Mama Kat's Vlogging Workshop to talk about a memorable Valentine's Day.  I'm going waaaay back for this one, back to the time when I got engaged.  Awww, so romantic and mushy, but of course there's a little catch.  Ch-ch-check it out.

(If you are an email subsriber, click here to watch.)

Oh yeah, I'd love it if you subscribe to my channel I would LOVE it!  Click here.

And head on over and check out the other vlogs at Mama Kat's Losing It, click here.  


  1. Girl, my guy totally has a "snore mask" too. Love that you celebrate on the 15th! Then everything is on SALE! ;D

  2. I really love that he did it the next day! also, that soooo sounds like something my husband would do. Just to keep me on my toes a little bit. xx.

  3. That is a great story! And the laundry pile... sigh. Yes. :)
