Parenthood is exhausting. And sorry mamas of little babies, it seems to only get more tiring as the babies get older. The babies get more involved in things, need rides places and cheerleaders; they give up naps and stay up later; they have bigger problems and if you are lucky they talk to you about them. And the big joke is that we parents are just getting older and slower and more tired. Ahhhhh!
Tim and I had about an hour in between kid activities this Saturday and we fell asleep on the porch. Lucy took this picture. Tim's T-Rex hands make all of us laugh. |
I remember fondly those days with my babies all full of routines and naptimes and early bedtimes. Weekends in the fall were spent at cider mills and farmers' market and hanging out at home, and don't forget those naps and early bedtimes. My shoulders relax just thinking about those days.
Even though I'm exhausted, I mean really, really tired, I am actually enjoying so much of this busy, hectic season of life with four kids. It's all seasons and ebbs and flows right? This is a new season of parenting and I think I'm finally adjusting to it a little bit. I mean I'm still really tired.
I love that we are in the phase where the kids want to hang out with us still.
I love that we get to cheer on our kids and watch them work hard and have fun.
I love that we try to have as many meals together as possible. It's not dinner every night but sometimes it's a big breakfast in between games and other nights it's a late night dinner in the dark on the front porch.
I am learning to accept that I suck at organizing but acknowledge that I'm pretty good at making memories and finding time to be together. I am learning that it's okay that we can't be at everybody's everything. I am learning that it's okay to cry because you are so tired after a long busy happy but exhausting weekend. It is exhausting, but I love this whole parenthood/family gig so much and am getting a little better at finding the joy in this hectic busy season of it all.